Why Won’t My Heat Pump Stay On in Summerlin, NV?

A heat pump should provide heat in cycles. If your system shuts down before completing a heating cycle, something is wrong. Read on for reasons your heat pump in Summerlin, NV, is short-cycling.

You Have an Oversized System

A heat pump is oversized if its ability to provide heat surpasses your home’s heating load. An oversized system turns on, heats your home quickly and shuts off before completing a full cycle. It then turns on after a short time and repeats the same thing.

Consider replacing your system with an appropriately sized one for your house. A service technician can help you know the perfectly sized system for your home by using a specific formula to determine your house’s heating load.

Your Thermostat Could Be the Problem

Usually, you input your temperature requirements into your thermostat. The thermostat then communicates these instructions to your system. The communication may have hitches when there’s a problem in the wires that link these two appliances, causing your heat pump to shut down before completing a heating cycle.

A thermostat also reads your indoor temperatures and signals your system to come into action based on the temperatures it detects. If you place the device near windows, doors or the kitchen, it’ll detect fluctuating temperatures, causing it to prompt your system to turn on and off multiple times.

Consider installing your thermostat in an area that reflects your house’s accurate temperatures. Also, you can have a service technician check the device to ensure nothing is interrupting communication with your heat pump.

There Are Airflow Restrictions

An air filter prevents the adverse effects of poor indoor air quality by trapping pollutants circulating in your house. These contaminants accumulate on your filter and block it.

A blocked air filter inhibits proper airflow into your heat pump. Consequently, the system starts short-cycling. Consider replacing your air filter often to promote smooth airflow.

Don’t allow heat pump issues to interrupt your comfort this winter. Contact Super Service Cooling & Heating for exceptional heating solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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