5 Furnace Odors You Can’t Afford to Ignore in Paradise, NV

A bad-smelling furnace isn’t only a nuisance but can also signal something is wrong. If your furnace Paradise, NV, is emitting any of the following odors, you should schedule a professional inspection to determine the cause and get everything working again.


If your furnace smells like metal burning or gives off a sort of an electrical scent, this is a sign that there’s too much heat buildup in the motor. This will cause the wire insulation to melt, which creates a strong smell. Melted wires are dangerous because they can cause sparks, so it’s best to have a professional take a look right away.

Used Socks

If your furnace gives off a smell like dirty socks, bacteria is accumulating inside the coils. Condensation inside the coils creates a bacteria-friendly environment, and over time, this will create an unpleasant smell. A good cleaning will quickly remove this odor. Change the air filter every 30-90 days to reduce the risk of experiencing this furnace odor.

Rotten Egg

A rotten egg smell comes from sulfur, which indicates that there is natural gas leaking in your home. Gas leaks are very dangerous, so turn off the gas valve if it’s safe to do so, and exit the home. Then, contact emergency services to handle the situation.


A musty smell is often a sign that the drain pan hose doesn’t fit correctly. This leakage leads to a musty smell as the stagnant water sits around. There may also be some dust in the furnace or air ducts that burns and generates this smell.


If your furnace smells like oil burning or smoke, this may be because there is too much oil present in or near the furnace. Leftover oil can ignite and produce a distinct diesel smell, and oil leaks also cause a similar scent.

If bad furnace odors are causing you trouble, worry not. Super Service Cooling & Heating is here to repair your furnace issues, so give us a call today to experience our top-notch service.

Image provided by iStock

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