What’s That Funky Smell Coming from Your AC System?

Summer weather is in full swing, and that means homeowners in Enterprise, NV, are using their air conditioners more. But if you’re noticing a funky smell coming from your AC system, it’s time to take action. Read on as we explore what’s causing the bad smell and how to fix it.

Biological Growth

The funky smell in your AC system is likely due to biological growth. This can occur when bacteria or other organisms grow and reproduce in the air conditioner.

The smell can be unpleasant and may also cause health problems for those who get exposed to it. If you suspect that biological growth is causing the smell in your AC system, it’s important to seek professional AC repair and cleaning services.

Dirty Filters

Air conditioning systems rely on a series of filters to remove dust, pollen and other airborne particles from the circulated air. Over time, these filters can clog with dirt and debris, which can reduce the efficiency of the system and cause a variety of problems, including bad smells. When air filters become dirty, they can create a musty smell that can quickly fill up a room or an entire house. Ideally, you should change your filter every 30-90 days.

Dirty Coils

The coils in your AC system are responsible for absorbing heat from the air, and over time, they can clog with dust and debris. When this happens, the coils can’t effectively remove heat from the air, causing the temperature inside the unit to rise.

Increase in temperature can lead to a buildup of moisture, which provides the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. As the bacteria multiplies, it breaks down organic matter and produces waste products that stink.

If you suspect that any of these are causing the smell in your AC system, call us today at Super Service Cooling & Heating. We’ll be able to properly clean your system. Our team will work hard to ensure that your air conditioner runs smoothly and smells fresh all season long.

Image provided by iStock

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