4 Ways Ductwork Can Get Damaged in Enterprise, NV

Ductwork is an integral part of your HVAC system. Through neglect, it can sustain damage. Here are four ways your ductwork in Enterprise, NV, can get damaged:

Poor Ductwork Installation

If your ductwork isn’t installed properly, it’s more likely that it’ll sustain damage. Poorly installed ductwork can be loose, which makes it more susceptible to damage. It can also cause leaks, wasting energy and leading to higher utility bills.

Buildup of Biological Contaminants

Biological contaminants are usually found in damp areas of your home, so it’s no surprise that they can grow in your ductwork. These contaminants damage the molecular bonds of the ductwork, leading to its eventual deterioration. Once this happens, you’ll have to replace the ductwork sooner than expected. To prevent this, clean your ducts regularly and make sure they’re appropriately ventilated.

Mistakes Done During Construction

When you’re planning to build a new home, make sure you hire a professional who can properly insulate your ductwork before building your house. This might cost you more money, but it’ll save you in the long run by extending the lifespan of your ductwork.


Ductwork corrodes when exposed to various water-based chemicals, like water or rust, which can lead to leaks. You can check your ductwork for signs of corrosion by smelling it. If you notice a strong, unpleasant odor coming from the ductwork, it may be time to replace it.

When it comes to your ductwork, don’t take any chances. If you think it’s time for a new system, or if you need repairs, contact Super Service Cooling & Heating experts today for services such as ductwork sealing, duct cleaning and replacement. We’ll ensure your ductwork is in good condition so you can enjoy a comfortable home for many years and save money in the process.

Image provided by iStock

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