3 Signs of an Impending Furnace Breakdown and Repair

It’s hard to overstate how extremely inconvenient it can be to be stuck with a broken furnace in the middle of winter. If you don’t learn to spot the relevant signs, you might be in for some unpleasant surprises. Here are three signs that your furnace in Paradise, NV, is about to break down and will need a repair:

Ballooning Heating Bills

This particular sign can be difficult to ignore because it hits you right in the bank account. If your heating bills suddenly explode, even though you haven’t proportionately increased your furnace use, you can be sure that your system’s efficiency has greatly deteriorated. Significant declines in efficiency mean that your furnace is on the verge of breaking down and will likely need a repair in the near future.

Age of the Furnace

Every furnace has a shelf life. You should never allow yourself to forget this fact, especially if you’ve been responsible enough to schedule repairs and professional maintenance for the furnace at the appropriate times.

On average, a gas-powered furnace should function well for about 15-20 years, while an electric furnace may provide as many as 20-30 years of reliable service. Annual maintenance, repairs and remembering to change your filters every three months can help your furnace last longer. Nevertheless, no furnace lasts forever, and you will eventually need a new one.

Short-Cycling Furnace

Short-cycling is one of the most serious problems that can afflict a furnace. This is when your furnace turns off before it can complete a proper heating cycle, forcing it to turn on and start a new cycle soon afterward.

Many things may cause this problem, but all of them indicate that your furnace is malfunctioning and needs a repair. Some of these causes include a busted motor, dirty filters, a cracked heat exchanger and blocked valves.

If you notice signs like the ones above, you must act immediately. Call Super Service Cooling & Heating to schedule a furnace repair or replacement today.

Image provided by iStock

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