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Learn About Single-, Two- and Variable-Speed Air Conditioners

Buying a new air conditioner isn’t as exciting for some homeowners as it is for others because they aren’t sure what type they need. Enterprise, NV, has cooler temps during some parts of the year, but late summer and fall temps can rise higher than you’d like. Read on to learn about single-, two- and variable-speed air conditioners.

Single-Phase AC Basics

One of the more popular types is a single-phase AC system. Not only can you get one from a top brand, but you also don’t need to blow your budget because they’re pretty affordable. This system has a filter that can improve your indoor air quality, but it won’t do as good of a job as other types.

Also known as a single-stage AC system, this air conditioner gets its name because it has just one stage or speed. It’ll either run at maximum capacity to cool your house or shut itself off and use no power. This type tends to run a little louder than other systems do and can increase your average cooling bills.

Two-Speed AC Info

A two-stage AC system walks the line between the single-stage and variable-speed systems. They have a compressor that uses two different speeds. With the first speed, it runs at maximum output to drop the temperature as quickly as possible, but it also has a second setting that reduces the amount of energy to around 70%.

With a two-stage system, you may notice a drop in your cooling bills. The system uses full power to reach the temperature set on your thermostat and then reduces the energy used to keep your home around the same level. Since it doesn’t need to use its full power every hour, the system usually lasts longer and needs fewer repairs.

Variable-Speed AC Options

You’ll also find variable-speed AC systems that are more energy efficient and quieter. One of the benefits of this system is that it automatically adjusts the speed and power output needed to help your Enterprise, NV, home reach a specific temperature. It keeps cycling through those speeds to keep you comfortable.

Another reason for the popularity of variable-speed systems is that they remove more humidity. They move through different cycles faster and carry away more moisture at the same time. You’ll also find that they often have a SEER rating of 22 to 26.

Cons of AC Systems

Now that you know a little more about these systems and what they do, it’s time to take a look at some of their downsides. While single-stage AC systems are the most affordable option and usually don’t take a lot of time to repair, they aren’t very energy efficient. You’ll likely find both hot and cold spots as the Enterprise temperature rises and your cooling bills go up.

Two-stage AC systems can also leave behind some hot and cold spots, especially if you have a larger home and the temperature outside is high. They cost more to repair than single-phase AC systems do and may cause your cooling bills to rise higher than you would like. However, you can find some with a higher energy rating.

The biggest problem you will have with a variable-speed AC is its overall cost. These systems cost more to install and more to pay for upfront. You’ll also find that the repairs you need are expensive. But they save you energy and money in the long run.

Installing Your New Air Conditioner

Super Service Cooling & Heating can help you install the right AC system once you learn about the different types and choose one. You’re only one call away from getting your repairs, too. Contact us when you need any residential air conditioning services.

Image provided by iStock

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