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6 Common Household Allergens and How to Combat Them

All year long, indoor allergens affect millions of people of all ages. These household invaders cause allergy symptoms, aggravate respiratory problems and generally create misery for you. Let’s look at six of the most common household allergens and how to combat them in Enterprise, NV.

Pet Allergens

Even the sweetest family fur baby is likely to have an allergen of some type lurking in its saliva, its urine or the dead skin flakes called dander that it sheds year-round. It’s a common misconception that an animal’s fur is the sole cause of allergies. It’s actually the substances mentioned above that contain the problem-causing substances.

Pet allergens often respond well to doctor-prescribed allergy shots and vet-approved over-the-counter pet treatments. It’s also important to thoroughly clean your home on a regular basis, including vacuuming carpets, dusting furniture and mopping floors.

Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals that mix into the air inside your home from cleaning products, air fresheners (sprays, plug-ins, candles, etc.) and paint. These toxic compounds cause everything from headaches to nausea to skin rashes. To prevent the negative impact of VOCs on your household members, increase the ventilation in your home by:

  • Opening doors and windows.
  • Using ceiling and exhaust fans.
  • Switching to household products made with safe, all-natural ingredients.


Pollen is most widely known as an outdoor allergen. But anywhere a breeze enters your home, such as through open windows or doors, pollen hitches a ride inside and comes to stay. Once in your home, it settles onto furniture, drapes, floors and any other available surface. It becomes airborne again at the slightest breeze. Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible, especially on windy days. Also, be sure to dust and vacuum thoroughly several times a week.

Dust and Dust Mites

Dust is another common allergen found in every home to some degree, no matter how clean it is and how clean you believe your ducts are inside. It often contains dust mites, which are microscopic insect-like organisms that eat the components present in dust that cause indoor health problems.

Dust mites are also harmful because they;re responsible for causing mild to severe respiratory issues. Keeping a clean home by dusting, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming floors frequently and using a good quality air purifier or air filter are all ways to reduce the harmful effects of dust and dust mites in your home.


Not only are cockroaches unsightly household pests, but their droppings, saliva and body parts, which break down and become airborne when they die, are also triggers for allergy symptoms. These substances can cause asthma attacks in particular. Prevent these issues by being vigilant, cleaning up food spills and other household messes. Also, contact an exterminator right away at the first sign of roaches in your home.


Your home contains a variety of different materials. Household textiles include fiber-based furniture coverings, carpeting, towels, sheets and more. Many of these materials contain formaldehyde resins and para-phenylenediamine, which are chemicals commonly known to cause acute respiratory and skin issues.

These issues include contact dermatitis, tightening of the chest and trouble breathing. Identifying the material causing the problems and removing it from your home will help to relieve this issue. Your doctor may choose to prescribe topical creams, steroids or antihistamines to eliminate the problem.

You and your loved ones don’t have to deal with these insidious household allergens and their negative effects on your health and well-being. Our fully trained HVAC service technicians are at your service. We’re always just a phone call or online message away. Contact Super Service Cooling & Heating to get answers to any questions you may have so that we can handle your HVAC maintenance needs year-round.

Image provided by iStock

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